I like learning new things and taking that experience into my future careers. I have had some crazy jobs but some have really helped me in my current career. One of the jobs that I was not a big fan of but that taught me many lessons was managing a warehouse at a car dealership. I was ahead of the parts warehouse and my entire job was to keep the staff keeping our inventory easily found and easily sold. This was a job that I have taken many lessons from and given them to many companies that I now work for. The fact is that you can absolutely cut down massive amounts of spending if you know what you are doing and have a great backend to your business.
One job that taught me a lot was working in a warehouse. I was technically the manager and it was a good expereince. It didn't seem to fit my skill set very well, but it paid the bills and I needed that for my family at that time. I was working full time and going to school full time as well. This meant I was busy and my goal was to cut back on all the work that we needed to do at the warehouse and also to save money. I knew that if I cut the costs of working here that I would be able to keep an easy job and I got a degree at the same time to it was a good thing.
Now when it started with was a company that needed a good packing system. Most of the warehouse when I arrived was in working condition but really random and not many systems were in place besides taking inventory in, in the morning. This put me on the task of having our work accomplish the same goal in different ways. I asked them to ship the same item but had different people do it. I wanted to learn what they were using and how much of each item they were using. We simply purchased all of our items from UPS and that was the only way in everyone's mind. I find out that they had to use a lot of boxes and a whole lot of tape each day. We were shipping parts so we also had to fill the boxes to be safe and make sure no issues happened.
Now I knew this could be a big money spending section so this sent me on a shipping supplies search for the best products for the best cost. I called up UPS and some other companies to see what was available. I saw we spent thousands each month with UPS and I wanted to know if we could spend 6 thousand dollars less each month. Then I called up major shipping supplies companies and got quotes for the boxes and tape we used each month. It turns out they even had plans to cut down on the type of tape we were using because that was going to be big savings in the long run.
Talking prices down is key and I ended up spending a whole lot less. It turns out that it also made our relationship with our delivery drive better. I told him we figured we would have another company deal with all that crap and he loved it. He hated delivering boxes to clients and this made his job easier. So do what you can and help people out.
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